Spending lots of money at the pharmacy is the last thing most of us want to do. Chances are, you’d probably rather splurge on a nice night out, new pair of shoes or an awesome vacation than you would on a few prescription medications, but the price of these meds can really add up each
How to Alleviate Unusual Menopausal Side Effects
As a woman ages, there is one thing she won’t be able to avoid — menopause. It happens to all women, typically starts between the ages of 45 to 55 and is accompanied by common side effects like hot flashes, and night sweats. However, more recently, women have found that menopause can also result in
5 Top Ways to Reverse Hearing Loss
There are things in life that we categorized as irreversible — losing a limb, donating an organ, suffering from hearing loss. We aren’t able to regrow arms or legs, and if we’ve donated an organ, a new one won’t regenerate in our bodies. But, studies are now showing that hearing loss might be something that
Is your eyesight responsible for your poor health?
One of the most feared health risks in our society today is blindness. Our eyesight is essential to our everyday lives and many of us do not realize the connection between eyesight and overall health. Although blindness is the most severe eye dysfunction, slightly reduced vision or minor vision disturbances immensely impact on the way
The evolution of pediatric equipment
Technology has come a long way in the past decade, especially modern medicine. However, it’s not just the pharmaceutical industry that has taken huge steps forward. Medical equipment has also evolved significantly. Pediatric medical equipment in particular has taken great strides, but the process has not been easy. Children present a special challenge to the
How to Prevent Insurance Company Surveillance From Hurting Your Disability Claim
When you file a disability claim and seek compensation from your insurance company, it’s not always a straightforward process of completing some paperwork and collecting a check. Insurance companies want to protect their profits, and are generally reluctant to pay claims based only on the word of the policy holder. As a result, sometimes even
How Nurse Educator Mentoring Can Make a Difference for Your Facility
Nurse educators play a vital role in the delivery of quality health care. As illnesses and treatments become more complex and patients get older and sicker, it is important to have well-trained and well-qualified nurses in order to manage their treatment and ensure the best possible outcomes. Without nurse educators training nurses and keeping them
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a white waxy substance that’s found naturally in the body, and it is key to keeping every cell wall working well. The body uses cholesterol to make vital substances such as vitamin D and various hormones; therefore we do need some in cholesterol in our bodies. However, cholesterol may become a problem when
How Health Care Facilities Can Improve the Role of Nurse Practitioners
With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, there has been a lot of discussion about the role of advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners and how they can be used to increase access to quality health care. In fact, one of the cornerstones of the ACA is the establishment of nurse-managed community health centers,
Is yoga a stress buster?
Modern life is full of stress. People stress about money, keeping their jobs, looking after their children, and their health. But the human body can only deal with stress for so long before it breaks down, and then people start to feel ill, either physically or mentally. It is essential that steps are taken to