Finances are the bane of many people’s lives and whilst not everyone necessarily has problems with money, saving cash is something that we all try to do. The result of not spending any money can have an impact on your lifestyle however, as it seems that anything fun that there is to do, can only
Staying Sane in Big City Traffic
There is no denying that the bigger the city, the worse off are its traffic woes. Some big city commuters site in traffic for several hours each day. That’s enough to send anyone behind the wheel insane. But, it doesn’t have to be such a harrowing experience if you use your time stuck in traffic
5 Reasons to use protein shakes
People often wonder if they need to take protein shakes when they are working out. I always recommend people should take them for a variety of reasons. I should say that I believe people should always look to consume protein in the food they eat – protein shakes are there to supplement the amount that
Things Men Should Know About Fashion
Men love to shop nowadays but not all know how and this guide is dedicated to all those guys that are looking to get into fashion, but aren’t quite sure where to start. I hope you enjoy reading more about it! Details are key Details are the best thing a man can have in his
A Guide To Los Angeles
The city of angels is one of the most majestic and special cities on the entire planet and when you see it you will know the reason why. This post is inspired by my last few visits to what has become a very special place to me, I hope you enjoy reading about it.
Most Important Parts of the Body to Get Fit
First of all, let me say two important things. First, this list is completely subjective, and second, this list is being compiled by a man. So as you read keep this in mind if my opinions tend to be less scientific and more……male. Here are the parts of the body you need to focus
4 Reasons to Love Lisbon
Lisbon has been considered one of the hottest places to visit over the last few years and this is also true for 2017. While most savvy travellers have been to such European cities as London, Paris, Rome, and Barcelona, Lisbon has still remained somewhat an unspoiled and off-the-beaten-path destination. As one of Europe’s oldest and
Why Healthy Eating Equals a Healthy Mind
It is common knowledge that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions, but less is spoken about the benefits it can have on people’s mental health. Researchers across the world have found positive correlations between people with healthy diets being less likely to suffer from depression and
What is the Potency Increase on Organically Grown Medical Marijuana?
While there is no definitive answer to this question, it is still good to understand the difference between the recreational marijuana that you’d find as compared to the organic medical marijuana that is out there. You want to know that you’re using something that is going to work, provide you with the healing effects
Time Management Tips to Get You Closer to That Nursing Degree
There is no doubt that nursing is a field to be in, especially now that we’re seeing more growth in the healthcare industry as a whole. We’ve talked about some study tips to make pursuing a nursing degree easier in the past. In this article, we’re going to focus more on the online nursing program